Autumn Pennant 2025

The blistering weather will start to subside, so staying fit and active is a whole lot easier when you sign up to play Autumn Squash, Racquetball or both at Bendigo Squash Centre.

We've compiled all the information you'll need to know.

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2025 Bendigo Club Championships

The 2025 Bendigo Club Championships are now under way. Apart from the Grand Finals in each grade, there is no single day/night or time set for the round matches. Matches can be organised with your opponent for any time during Centre open hours (including Saturday mornings) or after hours where available. Junior grand finals to be determined; either to be played the evening of Fri, November 1st or when the adult grand finals are played during the day Sat, November 2nd. Time TBC in the coming weeks.

Options are available for Squash, Racquetball or both. Juniors will be allowed to enter the adults draw if their ranking is at the applicable level. Likewise Women can enter into an appropriate Men’s draw, as long as registered in an applicable women’s draw first if one is available. This mostly applies to grades where female numbers are low.

The Championships will be held over a number of different divisions with Men’s, Women’s and Juniors options. Matches will be held over the course of 4 weeks consisting of at least 2 matches for each player. A Knock out competition with 1st round losing players moving to the Plate Event.

Scores are to be submitted after each match to Cam Penna via text 0438 438 164 or on the Squashies or Racquetball FB groups. Only final game score is require e.g. 3 -1 not the total points score. As you move through the draw you can check on SportyHQ. You can also ask Cam or ask the Centre for player contact details to organise your next match, so please make sure your details are up-to-date with the club. Best of luck to all our members in all levels. Initial draws are below and available on SportyHQ.

Bendigo International Open 2024

Entries are now open for the Bendigo International Open 2024.

We're excited to have top level PSA players jetting in from around the world and tournament grades for players of all levels across the weekend. 

REGISTER now through the Squash & Racquetball Victoria website.

Local Bendigo players, casual Squash 'warriors' and players from across Victoria and Australia will all be able to participate, spectate and enjoy the buzz about our Centre this June!

Bendigo Racquetball Tournament 25-26 May 2024

Entries are now open for the Bendigo Racquetball Tournament 25-26 May 2024.


Bendigo Open Racquetball Tournament 

Bendigo Squash is proud to host our first ever Racquetball tournament on the weekend of Saturday 25th of May and Sunday the 26th May.

Given our location in the Centre of Victoria we hope to see Racquetballers from all over the state convene in the heart of Bendigo.   

Saturday - Singles event

Sunday - Doubles event

(play either day or both)

Event to be held at the Bendigo Squash Centre: 

242 Barnard Street, 


Contact: Steve Roach (Centre Manager)


Mobile: 0435 654 953. 

Registrations close Sunday 19th May 2024.  

Beginner Friendly Options

We offer a number of opportunities to get started playing Squash and Racquetball. We welcome beginners and players of all levels. Never played before? Returning after a long absence? No problem. We have you covered. Contact us today to find out more or simply pop into the Centre at a time which suits you. You’re most welcome!